sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

Algorithms, part I Sumup

Now that the course is over, this a summary of the algorithms' performance seen in the lectures.

1.a.Quick-Union Algorithm

M union-find operations on N objects
Weighted QU N + M*lg(N)
QU + path compression N + M*lg(N)
Weighted QU + path compression N + M*lg*(N)

Where lg* is the iterative 2-base logarithm:

N lg*(N)
1 0
2 1
4 2
16 3
65536 4
pow(2, 65536) 5

1.b. Algorithm theory and Memory

We can assume the performance in time of an algorithm follows a linear rule on logarithms:

T(N) = a * pow(N, b) and lg(T(N)) = b * lg(N) + c

where b is the slope.

b represents system independent effects such as algorithm design and data input.
a represents system dependent effects like hardware, software, systems.

The 32-bits java data model specifies the following amount of memory distributed on:

data type bytes
boolean 1
byte 1
char 2
int 4
float 4
long 8
double 8
char[] 2N + 24
int[] 4N + 24
double[] 8N + 24
object overhead 16
if inner class 8
reference 8
padding multiple of 8

2. Sorting algorithms

sorting inplace? stable? worst average best remarks
selection yes no pow(N,2)/2 pow(N,2)/2 pow(N,2)/2 N exchanges
insertion yes yes pow(N,2)/2 pow(N,2)/4 N small N or partially ordered arrays
shell (3x+1) yes no ? ? N subquadratic, tight code
merge no yes NlgN NlgN NlgN NlgN guarantee, stable
quick yes no pow(N,2)/2 2NlgN NlgN faster in practice
3-way quick yes no NlgN 2NlgN N improves quicksort in presence of duplicate keys
heapsort yes no 2NlgN 2NlgN 2NlgN poor use of cache memory, inner loop longer than quicksort,not stable
????? yes yes NlgN NlgN NlgN holy sorting grail

3. Priority Queue and binary heap

Find largest M items in a steam of N items

implementation time space
sort NlgN N
elementary PQ MN M
binary heap NlgM M
best in theory N M

Any representation of a heap-ordered complete binary tree where keys in nodes and parent key no smaller than children's keys.

implementation insert del max max
unordered array 1 N N
ordered array N 1 1
binary heap lgN lgN 1

4. Symbol Tables

worst case average
implementation search insert delete search insert delete key interface
sequential search (unordered list) N N N N/2 N N/2 equals
binary search (ordered array) lgN N N lgN N/2 N/2 compareTo
BST N N N 1.39lgN 1.39lgN ? compareTo
2-3 tree clgN clgN clgN lgN clgN clgN compareTo
red-black BST 2lgN 2lgN 2lgN lgN lgN lgN compareTo

5. Hash Tables

worst case average
implementation search insert delete search insert delete key interface
separate chaining lgN* lgN* lgN* 3-5* 3-5* 3-5* equals
linear probing lgN* lgN* lgN* 3-5* 3-5* 3-5* equals
(*) under uniform hashing assumption

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