sábado, 11 de junio de 2016

Simple Procedural Texture Generator and Visualizer

I've been thinking about coding something related with perlin noise, just something that could be used as a justification. Normally i would have coded it in C++ with Qt but since ive been digging into the guts of python and PySide/PyQt for the last year, together with the fact that python GUI with PyQt is not that hard like in C++ (something it really does not have much interest once you get how the layouts, widgets, etc, work).

My only concern was performance because i wanted to do all the calculation and send the vertices data to the gpu each time you changed any of the parameter values governing the shape of the noise, the size, the visualization,..etc. I was willing to accept a little lag.

I wont explain deeply how Perlin noise works. For this you can have a look at the wikipedia or in a book i consider very useful: Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach 

My approach basically consists of a function that generates values for a given octave. Then the final result will be a superposition of those octaves depending on the number specified.


One of the options i wanted to explore was to obtain a more organic feel to the noise. With linear interpolation you can get some artifacts horizontally and vertically which really doesnt look well.

Here are the three interpolation methods:

1. linear
2. cosine
3. cubic 

All of the form "interpolate(x0,x1,t)"

 def Linear(a,b,t):  
   return a * (1 - t) + b * t  
 def Cosine(a,b,t):  
   t2 = (1 - math.cos(t * math.pi)) / 2.0  
   return (a * (1 - t2) + b * t2);  
 def Spline(x0,x1,t):  
   a = x0 - x1  
   b = -1.5 * x0 + 1.5 * x1  
   c = -0.5 * x0 + 0.5 * x1  
   d = x0  
   t2= t * t  
   return a * t2 * t + b * t2 + c * t + d  

The spline or cubic interpolation was used in a simplified manner. Normally the cubic interpolation formula uses information of 4 points: the two in the middle plus the rightmost and leftmost of them. For coding purposes, just to simplify, we assumed p0=p1 and p2=p3, hence the above code.

I will quote this page for the cubic interpolation just in case it disappears.

If the values of a function f(x) and its derivative are known at x=0 and x=1, then the function can be interpolated on the interval [0,1] using a third degree polynomial. This is called cubic interpolation. The formula of this polynomial can be easily derived.
A third degree polynomial and its derivative:
f(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d
f'(x) = 3ax^2 + 2bx + c

For the green curve:
a = -\tfrac{1}{2}\cdot2 + \tfrac{3}{2}\cdot4 - \tfrac{3}{2}\cdot2 + \tfrac{1}{2}\cdot3 = \tfrac{7}{2}
b = 2 - \tfrac{5}{2}\cdot4 + 2\cdot2 - \tfrac{1}{2}\cdot3 = -\tfrac{11}{2}
c = -\tfrac{1}{2}\cdot2 + \tfrac{1}{2}\cdot2 = 0
d = 4
f(x) = \tfrac{7}{2}(x-2)^3 - \tfrac{11}{2}(x-2)^2 + 4
The values of the polynomial and its derivative at x=0 and x=1:
f(0) = d
f(1) = a + b + c + d
f'(0) = c
f'(1) = 3a + 2b + c
The four equations above can be rewritten to this:
a = 2f(0) - 2f(1) + f'(0) + f'(1)
b = -3f(0) + 3f(1) - 2f'(0) - f'(1)
c = f'(0)
d = f(0)
And there we have our cubic interpolation formula.
Interpolation is often used to interpolate between a list of values. In that case we don't know the derivative of the function. We could simply use derivative 0 at every point, but we obtain smoother curves when we use the slope of a line between the previous and the next point as the derivative at a point. In that case the resulting polynomial is called a Catmull-Rom spline. Suppose you have the values p0, p1, p2 and p3 at respectively x=-1, x=0, x=1, and x=2. Then we can assign the values of f(0), f(1), f'(0) and f'(1) using the formulas below to interpolate between p1 and p2.
f(0) = p_1
f(1) = p_2
f'(0) = \dfrac{p_2 - p_0}{2}
f'(1) = \dfrac{p_3 - p_1}{2}
Combining the last four formulas and the preceding four, we get:

a = -\tfrac{1}{2}p_0 + \tfrac{3}{2}p_1 - \tfrac{3}{2}p_2 + \tfrac{1}{2}p_3

b = p_0 - \tfrac{5}{2}p_1 + 2p_2 - \tfrac{1}{2}p_3

c = -\tfrac{1}{2}p_0 + \tfrac{1}{2}p_2
d = p_1


One of the most time consuming aspects of dealing with PyOpenGL is that OpenGL is a C library and hence, if you code in C++ you share the same basic data types specially things like (void *) pointers, C arrays and the casting operation between types... But Python has its own data types!

1) I'll give you an example: Vertex Buffer Objects need to be passed a C array of GL_FLOAT values in order to specify vertex data. I was managing vertex data but in python lists. I discovered i had two options here: whether i used another dependency library such as Numpy with their immediate conversion between lists and arrays...or i could just use the "array" type. I finally chose this last option.

 from array import array  
 vertex_array = array('f', vertex_list)  
 index_array = array('i', index_list)  

where 'f' stands for float and 'i' for integer.

2) Another big problem i faced is how on earth i could update the vertex data sent to the buffer instead of deleting/creating/sending everything again as if i restarted the app.

 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.vboId)  
 c_void_ptr = glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_READ_WRITE)  
 c_float_array_ptr = cast(c_void_ptr, POINTER(c_float))  
 # change vertex data    
 for i in range(len(vertex_list)):  
    c_float_array_ptr[i] = vertex_list[i]  

I discovered the buffer in video memory could be mapped to a chunk in RAM so that when changing one, it immediately applies to GPU. This is using "glMapBuffer/glUnmapBuffer".

But this function returns a "C void pointer" which in python terms is just an integer refering to some memory address.

We need a way to cast this void pointer to a float pointer (float array). That is the raison d'être of the next line. Needless to say i needed to import the ctypes module.

Then we can access finally the c_float_array_ptr as an iterable assigning float values from the python vertex_list!

Here is a video snippet of how the app works.