martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

Plugin Loading And Threads

Back to coding: TTL_Cameratronic
After some time solving issues regarding the publishing process of the shots i m finally back to coding. This time it's a tool whose purpose is to be able to ease the task of the crowd department. They need to work faster and cook simulations faster so the way the tool will work is: they will load the layout of a sequence of shots, with the corresponding cameras obviously, perform the cache of all the sequence and then cut where necessary.

This will require the tool first to iterate through the file system searching for camera files which come as alembics, read from the last published version the duration of the shot and then reference all the cameras setting them with the corresponding frame offset.

Ideally, the tool should also create a master camera which will switch between all the cameras referenced thus composing the sequence's final camera behaviour. I will do this by "parentconstraining" the master camera to all the shot cameras and then keyframing the weights to 0 or 1. Seems easy to do this way.

The tool also will show list of the camera names (which will have to be renamed after the shot number they represent), the start and end frames and finally the alembic file to be loaded (since there may be several different versions we will take always by default the last one).

Those are images of the look & feel of the tool still in development but so far functional: with splash screen and the final result in a list. It needs some tweaks more like a "delete cameras button" for example and offsetting the start frame. Also it lacks the master camera functionality. But i think all left to do won't be much problematic.

GUI & Threads

Since the search process in the filesystem can take a while i will have to deal with threads. Recall that the main thread is responsible for all the GUI painting so any process i want to do has to be pushed into the background in a secondary thread.

Also there is a progress bar which means in this case  a third thread responsible for actually referencing all the camera.

Both secondary threads are used sequentially, so there is no harm and trouble in things like data sharing or concurrency.

The bigger problem I faced, so to speak, and the reason of this post is that loading the alembic plugin caused me some pain at first. The tool has to check whether the plugin is loaded, and if not, proceed to the load.

Now, in the beginning i tried to do this in the same thread responsible for the alembics referencing just before. The result was Maya crashing....

Then, intuitively ( i hadnt read the documentation at that moment) i decided to move that method to the main thread. Now it wasnt crashing but the cameras werent loaded. But i noticed something: loading a maya plugin seems to take some time, a time where Maya is busy presumably registering all the plugins and furthermore seemingly also updates the GUI. This made me think of the "evalDeferred()" method and its updated, non-deprecated equivalent "executeDeferred()" which according to documentation:


The maya.utils package is where utility routines that are not specific to either the API or Commands are stored. This module will likely expand in future versions.
Currently, the maya.utils package contains three routines relevant to threading (see the previous section for details on executeInMainThreadWithResult).
There are two other routines in maya.utils:
  • maya.utils.processIdleEvents(). It is mostly useful for testing: it forces the processing of any queued up idle events.
  • maya.utils.executeDeferred().
    (Similar to maya.utils.executeInMainThreadWithResult() except that it does not wait for the return value.) It delays the execution of the given script or function until Maya is idle. This function runs code using the idle event loop. This means that the main thread must become idle before this Python code is executed.
    There are two different ways to call this function. The first is to supply a single string argument which contains the Python code to execute. In that case the code is interpreted. The second way to call this routine is to pass it a callable object. When that is the case, then the remaining regular arguments and keyword arguments are passed to the callable object.

 As said "It delays the execution of the given script or function until Maya is idle."

All i had to do is put the plugin loading method in the main thread and execute the code inside my thread with Maya.utils.executeDeferred().

Additional Comment

Another solution which havent been tested but i believe should work according to the documentation is if you really want the code of loading the plugin in the thread you should use executeInMainThreadWithResult().

Despite restrictions, there are many potential uses for threading in Python within the context of Maya; for example, spawning a thread to watch a socket for input. To make the use of Python threads more practical, we have provided a way for other threads to execute code in the main thread and wait upon the result.
The maya.utils.executeInMainThreadWithResult() function takes either a string containing Python code or a Python callable object such as a function. In the latter case, executeInMainThreadWithResult() also accepts both regular and keyword arguments that are passed on to the callable object when it is run.