sábado, 11 de febrero de 2017

PyQt Agnostic Launcher II

As part of the improvements i have been carrying on to the VFX pipeline we are developing i wanted to dig deeper into the problem of executing a PySide Maya tool outside the DCC, this is, as standalone, as well as being able to execute it inside Maya without doing any changes to the code. I already came out with a first version of the launcher which you can see in http://jiceq.blogspot.com.es/2016/08/pyqt-agnostic-tool-launcher.html  . This basically detects whether there isn´t a Qt host application running and if not, we assume it is Maya running.

 def application():    
   if not QtGui.qApp:  
     app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)  
     parent = None  
     yield parent  
     parent = get_maya_main_window()  
     yield parent  

This works fine for the beginnings of a VFX pipeline, mostly based in Maya. But as soon as you face the need to integrate other heterogeneous packages (that ship with any version of Python and PyQt, which is becoming a standard in the industry. see: http://www.vfxplatform.com/  ) you will probably want to be able to, at least, run the same GUI embedded in different packages as well as standalone. So the need to distinguish between host apps arises and this first solution falls short.

One poor solution is to query the Operating System whether the maya.exe/maya.bin or nuke.exe/nuke.bin processes were running. In the following fashion, for example:

def tdfx_is_maya_process_running():    
   return tdfx_is_process_running('maya')
def tdfx_is_nuke_process_running():    
   return tdfx_is_process_running('nuke')
def tdfx_is_process_running(process_name):
   if os.platform() == 'windows':
      ''' specific os code here '''
      return is_running    
   elif os.platform() == 'linux':
      ''' specific os code here '''
      return is_running
   return False

And use this instead in the previous if-statement to retrieve the corresponding QApplication main window instance.

This is a very poor solution, if we can call it a solution. It doesnt work well: you may have an instance of Maya or Nuke running, but you may want to run in standalone mode your custom script from your preferred IDE. The above functions will both return True, first problem. Second, it will depend on order of evaluation, so if you are testing first "tdfx_is_maya_process_running()" then your launcher will attempt to get the Maya main window instance. And third and most important, your launcher wont work because internally it is detecting Maya, so it is reporting the presence of a QApplication.qApp pointer, when you are in standalone mode and there is no qApp pointer actually!

So basically, this approach is not valid. What we really want to query is not the processes running, but more specifically if my current script is running embedded in a qt host application or not, and if so, i want to be able to know which one is.

I googled a little bit and was surprised that some people had faced this problem and meanly resolved it their own -not so great and elegant- way. I just thought there must be some way in Qt to query the host application. I just cant acknowledge something so basic wasnt taken into account in the framework. After some looking into the documentation..eureka, i found this line:


which returns the name of the host application. In standalone Qt apps, it is a parameter that must be set by the programmer.

def tdfx_qthostapp_is_maya():
    return tdfx_qthostapp_is('Maya-2017')

def tdfx_qthostapp_is_nuke():
    return tdfx_qthostapp_is('Nuke')

def tdfx_qthostapp_is(dcc_name):
    from PySide2 import QtWidgets
    hostappname = QtWidgets.QApplication.applicationName()
    if hostappname == dcc_name:
        return True
    return False

Consequently my new contextmanager version takes the following form:

 def application():    
   if tdfx_qthostapp_is_none():  
     app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)  
     parent = None  
     yield parent  
   elif tdfx_qthostapp_is_maya():  
     parent = get_maya_main_window()  
     yield parent
   elif tdfx_qthostapp_is_nuke():
     parent = get_nuke_main_window()
     yield parent  

This is a step improvement towards easing the integration of other PyQt-API-based DCCs in a VFX pipeline and easing the task of the programmer, thus avoiding to produce GUI application-specific code. Nonetheless, there is still some work to do that i will deal with when i have more time. This is, making the GUI code fully portable between PySide2 and PySide (or Qt4 and Qt5). There are already some solutions out there like the "Qt.py module" that intends to abstract the GUI from the Qt4 to Qt5 big jump in recent Maya 2017 Python API.