This week ive started to refactor our pipeline code. We are migrating to Maya 2017 among other things and i wasnt proud of how the development process was held during the last 7 months. To understand it a bit, 7 months ago we were facing a hurry in all aspects. We needed to produce a teaser in barely 4-5 months of strong, intense workload because we bet everything to reach to the AFM with something cool enough to raise some funds and produce the desired movie. The working conditions in terms of organization and qualified staff were a disadvantage. Something everyone of us had had to bear with. Nevertheless there were big pros, we all had passion and were totally committed to the project. I was going to say "Luckily the project worked out really well", but it was due to all our efforts and all the muscle we put into.
Anyways, from the point of view of the pipeline, which is what interests me here, besides the lack of organization we were dealing with a new Digital Asset Management tool where there is little documentation, so at the beginning we didnt have a precise idea of what where the capabilities, the pipeline was being developped at the same time the production started.... Briefly, i had no time to think properly about a good design. Don't misunderstand me, the code produced at that moment was completely functional and i have some testimonies claiming the tools were working well. But that step was necessary to explore the needs and can dos of the pipeline we were conceiving. Now we know how some things were done, we can improve them based on something that already works.
As a little example, there is always the need to use a class that manages some common parameters with some common methods and functions. The way we did it first is just define a Singleton class, inherit from it and start to add parameters and their getters and setters, which in Python can be defined as @property . The manipulation of this data consists among other things, of storing their values , and loading them into memory, by means of some kind of persistence system. It could be a database or something as simple as a text file.
But this approach is really bad design because each time you define a new parameter, you need to change all the methods that input and output the parameters.... Really not very scalable!
Another constraint we didnt take into account is some of the parameters could be classified together. This is, they were related and could be interesting to group them. Some of them dont mean anything on their own if they are not accompanied with their corresponding mate.For example, a login consists of the username and the password. Having the username does not make sense if you havent defined also the password. Under the preceding approach every parameter is independent from the others. And there is no trace of those relationships.
Under those conditions i redesigned the system by making heavy use of inheritance. The related paraemeters could be grouped under a specific class wich derives from the Group Class called here "Section". This class is the atomic class responsible for managing a group of related parameters. So each time i want to expand with a new group of parameters, i only have to define a derived class that inherits from Section and define the parameter keys. Anyother functionality is already present in the base class.
Moreover, i can force from the base classe that the derived ones implement a PARAMS (param1,param2,etc) tuple which are automatically managed. This way i economize work as well as i ensure nobody misuses the class and understands how it is made. It is the same mechanism when we enforce the implementation of an abstract method in the class that inherits from the interface by raising a NotImplemented Exception.
The result is a much more easy to use and therefore extendable manager. Each time i want to create a new group of parameters i just need to define them in a new ConcreteSection class and no more worries than registering the section in the __init__ method. No any other changes to the manager!!
The result is a much more easy to use and therefore extendable manager. Each time i want to create a new group of parameters i just need to define them in a new ConcreteSection class and no more worries than registering the section in the __init__ method. No any other changes to the manager!!
Enough talking, here is a UML class diagram exposing the generic final design.